Enum ResourceFileType
- Namespace
- LlamaLogic.Packages
- Assembly
- LlamaLogic.Packages.dll
The file type of a package resource independent of storage within a DataBasePackedFile
public enum ResourceFileType
[ResourceFileTypeFormat("bin", "application/octet-stream")] Binary = 0
[ResourceFileTypeFormat("dds", "image/vnd.ms-dds")] DirectDrawSurface = 1
DDS Image
[ResourceFileTypeFormat("json", "application/json")] JavaScriptObjectNotation = 2
JavaScript Object Notation
[ResourceFileTypeFormat("png", "image/png")] PortableNetworkGraphic = 3
PNG Image
[ResourceFileTypeFormat("jpg", "image/jpeg")] Ts4TranslucentJointPhotographicExpertsGroupImage = 5
The Sims 4's proprietary image format in which a PNG alpha mask is embedded in the headers of a JPEG
[ResourceFileTypeFormat("xml", "application/xml")] TuningMarkup = 4
Tuning XML
[ResourceFileTypeFormat("yml", "application/x-yaml")] YetAnotherMarkupLanguage = 6
Yet Another Markup Language